Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Tree

We had our first experience cutting down a live Christmas Tree at the tree farm. We are not really sure how we feel about that but while in America.... You gotta get into it right??!! Had a great day freezing next to an American version of the winter BBQ. It was fun and the kids had a great time sledding. We met some great people who were very friendly, and ended up going back to the Doyles (new friends) house for a pizza dinner. I of course had one too many cocktails and probably said something inappropriate. They haven't phoned since.... I am working on my American social protocol, note to self; excessive enjoyment of vodka is a no-no.

There was quite a bit of snow which has sadly melted now and today it is a balmy 16.6 degrees!
We have continued to see gorgeous deer wandering through the forest behind the house, it is such a surprise every time I see them, love it.

I have bitten the decoration bullet and purchased some outdoor festive lights. Much to Avalon's horror; 'thats soooo tacky mum'. She is right I know but, you gotta get into it right??!!! So I will put up the flashing stag, doe and fawn along with the plastic lit snowflakes and 8 jolly lawn snowmen. Langas might even get on a ladder to help with the porch lights. I may need to bribe him though cos he LOVES doing anything handy.

Avalon is well and might have the solo in the choir performance of a holy song in January which is very exciting. She is singing on Friday at her dance school as well. I reckon she should get a band together, again I am a dork. She is nearly as tall as me now. something I am truly not ready for!

Jordy had a presentation of some of his recent work at school and had to speak into a microphone in front of everyone, this is his idea of torture. He did it very well and I was so teary and proud.

Sebastian and I met with a new eye doctor yesterday who is going to do some eye/brain retraining and is positive it will correct his eye turn in six months. This will negate the need for another surgery which is fantastic.

1 comment:

Tamanny said...

Ha! You write good'n'that. Very funny. Great to hear of your shenanigans with the straight sepos.

Love youse!